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For all payment methods, Ax-Easy does not store or maintain credit card or bank account data. The payment of your order in the online store Ax-Easy is made exclusively in euros (€€).
Ax-Easy provides the following payment methods:

  • Credit/Debit card

Credit cards VISA, MASTERCARD, DINERS, MAESTRO are accepted. Transactions are performed through Alpha Bank and the currency is €.
Alpha Bank Supported Payments

  • Bank account deposit

You can pay for your order through e-banking or by deposit at a bank cashier, by direct deposit to the following account maintained by our store:

Alpha Bank: GR93 0140 6610 6610 0200 2032 414
Account holder: Evangelos Makrydakis

Piraeus Bank: GR20 0172 7610 0057 6110 7422 926
Account holder: Evangelos Makrydakis

Please note that the payment requires an account at the same bank. In any other case, there will be a charge of an amount charged by the bank for orders from third banks (3 €).




All orders we can deliver are services, therefor there is no shipping involved. Our services are delivered online or in electronic delivery. The one and only case that is involved shipping is to be shipped a storage media device that contains our work delivered to you.

5/5 (2 Reviews)

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